Paris Wins the Gold Medal for European Cities

Whether it’s your first time, or you are returning, maybe for the umpteenth time, Paris seduces. What is it about this city that makes it one of the most visited places in the world?  That makes people pull up stakes and move to the City of Light. What drew painters like Degas, Cezanne and the…



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by David DeVoss

Editor & Senior Correspondent

Welcome to East-West News Service

Explore and learn about almost any topic regarding world travel, cultural travel, Covid travel, top travel destinations, airlines, cruise lines and hotels written by award-winning travel writers and journalists. Our travel and cultural analysis articles – and stunning travel photo essays by professional travel photographers – will empower you to learn more about USA travel, North American travel, Asia travel, Europe travel, Middle East travel and Central and South America travel.

Our goal at EWNS is to share travel writings focused on the rich history, culture and economy of a location. Writings about traveling to the world’s most beautiful places to articles with well-informed analysis spotlight our top destinations. EWNS aims to equip readers/travelers with the insights they need upon arrival at their chosen location. We invite you to explore with us.

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The Latest Book Review

Dickensland: The Curious History of Dickens’s London

Publisher Yale University Press | Reviewed by Nancy Wigston

Before Charles Dickens’s bones were laid to rest after his death from a stroke in 1870 literary tourists already were arriving in London, eager to experience for themselves the world that the 58-year-old writer brought so vividly to life in fifteen novels and countless short stories and essays. Variously described as a literary superstar, the world’s first celebrity and, not incidentally, a social reformer, Charles Dickens created characters and places that continue to resonate in the popular imagination. Most recently, Barbara Kingsolver’s 2022 novel, Demon Copperhead, co-winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize, cleverly echoes the characters met and dilemmas faced by an orphaned American boy in Appalachia very much like Dickens’s David Copperfield who was very much like Dickens himself.
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